4 Vitamins To Help Lose Weight And Increase Strength

Even if you’re careful with your diet, you may not be getting the right nutrients your body’s needs. Dr. Chioma Okafor-Mbah and our highly knowledgeable team have put together this guide to help you learn about the best vitamins you need for nutrition.

Along with these vitamins for weight loss, you also need to take better care of your health. Insufficient exercise and poor diet can cause weight gain. If you’re looking for a weight loss treatment online, check out our services today.

Vitamin B

Cutting calories is key to weight loss, but that doesn’t mean you stop consuming nutritious food and vitamins. Vitamins are essential for dietary gaps, which make you weak and lower your energy levels.

VitaminB, especially Vitamin B12, is essential for metabolizing your food into the necessary fuel your body needs. The top food sources for vitamin B are eggs, beans, bananas, and whole grains. Since our body doesn’t naturally produce vitamin B12, its main source is supplements. Plus, the body needs this vitamin to produce red blood cells.

Vitamin D

Another vitamin for weight loss is Vitamin D. When you’re exposed to sunlight, your body acquires and absorbs vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for keeping bones strong and balancing your hormone levels.

Evidence also suggests that this vitamin helps weight loss by decreasing body fat. When a person has low vitamin D in their body, they are at risk of obesity. Many diets people follow do not incorporate the appropriate levels of vitamin D. Its top sources are egg yolks, fish, and cereals.


Iron is necessary for carrying oxygen to your cells. It also creates energy from the nutrients you eat. If your muscles have more oxygen, you burn more fat. With low iron levels, you can feel weak. It impacts your athletic performance as well. Food sources for iron are beans, spinach, lean meats, and shellfish. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron hence Vitamin C is also an important weight loss vitamin.


Your body requires magnesium for a variety of things. It helps with muscle strength, flexibility, and energy production. If your magnesium levels are low, it can cause muscle pain, cramps, and tightness. Plus, it helps regulate your body’s blood glucose levels and controls blood pressure. These two are essential for weight loss. You can eat seeds, nuts, and legumes for magnesium.

Vitamin B12 Injections For Weight Loss

If you’re low on vitamin B12, consult Dr. Chioma today. She prescribes vitamin B12 injections for weight loss at her online weight loss clinic. You can also go for her weight loss treatment online or choose the custom weight loss management program.

Contact her today to learn more.


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