Kickstart Your Weight Loss With These 3 Easy Steps

Do you want to lose weight but don’t know where to start? Fortunately for you, it’s not necessary to dive into an extreme workout or diet plan. Ideally, you should start with small lifestyle changes and work your way up to bigger changes. Below are 3 easy steps to take to kickstart your weight loss today.

1. Start Moving 

Exercise has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. It’s also a great way to burn calories and fat. Many of us lead sedentary lifestyles where the most exercise we get is walking from our door to our car and back to our couch at the end of the night. If you want to kickstart your weight loss, move more. Try to move more during the day than you typically do. You can do this by taking a daily walk around your block, doing more chores around the house, or even pacing back and forth while talking on the phone. Any amount of movement you do will get your metabolism revving and help you burn more calories daily.

2. Drink More, Snack Less

Drinking more water and non-caloric beverages can help curb cravings and keep you feeling satisfied between meals. Feeling more satisfied between meals will limit your desire to snack. Drinking warm beverages like tea or hot water with lemon especially help to tame your tastebuds. Warm beverages are more satiating and soothing. Replace your snacking with drinking a cup of hot tea after lunch or in the evening. You’ll consume fewer overall calories, which will contribute to weight loss over time.

3.Focus on What You Should Eat, Not What You Shouldn’t

We all know what we shouldn’t be eating (cookies, chips, French fries, etc.), but that doesn’t always stop us from eating them. More than likely, you eat things you know you shouldn’t be eating and feel guilty afterwards for doing so. Your guilt only adds to your disappointment about your failed efforts at weight loss, which leaves you wanting to give up. To combat this vicious cycle, stop focusing on what you shouldn’t eat and focus on what you should be eating. Consider all the healthy and yummy fruits and veggies you have available to you and all the tasty recipes you can make with them. Make a point to eat more of those foods instead of trying to stay away from unhealthy foods. You’ll be more likely to choose healthier options if you focus on the positive rather than the negative thoughts.

The Takeaway 

Small changes add up to big changes over time. Losing weight takes time and patience. If you’re new to health and fitness, don’t be so hard on yourself. Start with small, easily achievable goals to boost your confidence and self-discipline. If you haven’t already, contact us to learn how a medical weight loss program can help you reach your weight loss goals. We’re here to help at every step of the way.


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